Copied pages
Changing the copied page's content no longer changes the source page's content
We fixed an issue whereby after you copied and edited a page, the source page was modified too. As a result, there is no longer a link between the pages, and editing the copied page no longer affects the source page.
Changing the copied page's filters no longer changes the source page's filters
We fixed an issue whereby after you copied a page and changed the filters of the copied page, they were affecting the source page. This no longer happens.
Changing the copied page's visibility no longer changes the source page's visibility
We fixed an issue whereby if you copied a page and edited the Hide or show this block using filters option conditions, it affected the source page.
Page and Block actions are now copied to the new page
We fixed an issue whereby any actions on the page weren't being copied to the new page.
Page list block filters are now being copied to the new page
We fixed an issue whereby the list block filters weren't copied to the new page.
The Form Builder now works after changing the Model Properties field on the new page
After copying a page, if you edited a form on the page, the form-building components weren't working as expected. We've fixed this now, and it's working as expected.
Search settings
Foreign key properties now visible on search result items
We've fixed an issue with foreign key properties being visible on the search results page.
The notifications page is now accessible for all signed-in users
Any user without the Tenant Admin role couldn't view their notification page.
Autocomplete fields now work when they have filters
Previously, if you selected the Allow autocomplete option in the Edit field dialog box for a select-single field type and added an advanced filter condition, the field wouldn't load any data in the list to select. We've fixed this now so that the relevant data now shows in the field list.